cannabis sales & cash
Sales and cash flow dashboards are a staple in most industries - they are used by senior management to run the business and compare performance against expectations. Creating such dashboards is a little tricky in the cannabis industry. While retail sales are booming, managing cash flow is a difficult problem many cannabis companies are still trying to solve. In addition, many cannabis firms have very shoddy financial records, questionable accounting methodologies and unreliable ERP systems. This spells bad news for cannabis companies looking to develop dashboards - management may be more concerned with solving these types of issues before cleaning up and utilizing sales data. Cannabis companies that are not utilizing their sales data to make business decisions run the risk of being outperformed by those that do. As the marijuana industry continues to develop, reliable business data will become useful and expected. Eventually, as in most industries, dashboards will be used by all cannabis firms to guide their business as they continue to expand. Being a first adapter in this could mean a huge competitive advantage in how you run your business as well as guaranteeing you won't be left behind as this transition continues to happen.
The dirt
Specific sales & cash dashboard services we offer:
+ Sales & Gross Profit Trending Analysis
The beauty of a sales dashboard comes from repetitive use of it - logging on and viewing a dashboard of your sales goals and how far you are from reaching that target is a common morning for cannabis executives. The data can be of course sliced anyway you like - by day, quarter or year, by product line or product type, by cannabis or hemp, by flower or plant or by vape, or by geography. Our CPAs are here to assist you in building the perfect dashboard pursuant to your goals as well as offer advisement as to which ways they might look at the business.
+ Cash Flow Trending Expectations
Cash is king in any industry and given the difficulty cannabis businesses have had with establishing even a bank account, the saying holds true in our industry as well. Depending on how your organization is structured, you will have certain cash flow expectations. Highly leveraged organizations will have high cash expectations in order to pay loaner interest whereas equity-funded organizations may have lower expectations. Whatever the unique set-up of your business, you need to manage cash at the end of the day and Greenbooks can assist with financial reporting in the form of dashboards giving you a scalable basis.
+ On-Demand Analysis of Sales Trends
There is an old adage that reporting leads to additional reporting - this will be especially true in a new industry such as cannabis. As management gets more and more comfortable with the sales and cash metrics surrounding their business, they often come to us with follow up questions. One example might be by a weekly report of sales by customer if you are engaging in business to business sales. Whatever the unique case is for your business, we have no doubt that you will have additional questions after viewing dashboards for a few weeks. Greenbooks is here to build scalable and insightful dashboards to answer your questions as your business evolves.
+ Why Choose Green Books
A well designed dashboard can answer many questions about your organization and uncover questions you didn't know you had. However you choose to analyze your sales and cash flow data, Greenbooks is here to help. We are experts in sifting through financial data in the cannabis industry and putting together business stories based off of trends and analysis. We understand the hardships unique to the cannabis industry and our staff has the right tools to give you the right tools needed to run your business.
Take a look:
Sales dashboards come in all different shapes and sizes - and we can build just about anything you could think of. The below viz shows a very simple sales dashboard of a multi state operator by Sales, Profit or Sales Quantity. Click on a state to get more granular daily, weekly, monthly or yearly totals.